
I am the queen of cheap. When I worked at Archivers, they used to laugh at me because I'd dig through the 'damaged items' junk drawer for stuff to make card samples with. I find inspiration in scraps of paper scattered everywhere. In short, I work better in a mess.
I was digging through my messy patterned paper bin and trying to use up scraps and tidbits of paper, when I happened across some old scraps of K & Company and Wild Asparagus paper. Neither are related or part of the same line, yet somehow, I found inspiration in pairing these two patterns together.
The card above is what resulted. And I'm even cheap enough to stretch a $1.00 Michael's thank you stamp into 2 images. I inked up just the letters of the word "thank you" with my black marker, resulting in a less cutesy/flowery, more 'country' style image.
So hang onto those scraps! You never know when you might 'need' them.