Yesterday was our girl's junking trip. Every year we get together and do a day or weekend get-away, (no boys allowed) and head to a fun little town to go antiquing and nosing around in the junk shops! This year we headed to
Buffalo, MN and met my Mom's cousin Pauline, who lives in that area. Buffalo is an antiquers

holy grail...they have rows and rows

of cute little junk shops, each with their own eclectic personality. Click
HERE to see the stores in town. Right to left are my sister Gina, Grammie (she's 88!) my Mom, cousin Pauline and Auntie Jan. Check out the cool wrap-around glasses my Grammie is sporting. She has macular degeneration, and as she explains it, she can't see "FOR SHIT". Can I say shit on my blog? I guess I just did. Anyway, we

hopped in my Dad's van Saturday morning and headed over to Buffalo. The first store we hit was MY FAVORITE! "This and That, Now & Then". They had some of the cutest displays and ideas for repurposing junk! Check out the cute beaded fringe hanging from this table, and the shabby fabric tied to the cute little desk chair! My creativity was jump started again yesterday, and all I want to do today is sit and create. I'm banning myself from making cards because I'm leaving on vacation on Wednesday and have too much to do. If I could, I would sit and create all day long.

Someday, when I'm retired and can do nothing but go junking and make cards, I will be one happy chick. Until then, I will work. This display with the feathery witches hat was my favorite. The backdrop is 3 doors hinged together and then covered in black striped fabric. W
e headed next do

or to Second Hand rose, which was just as cute! This chalkboard poetry was exactly what I needed yesterday. I have to tell you that on Friday I was ready to dump my blog, sell my stamps and walk away from everything. I go through this a few times a year, usually when I'm overwhelmed , sick or haven't taken a break for while. Today I am still blogging. We will see what tomorrow brings. My sister noticed this cute "CHEAP STUFF" sign...you had to follow the yellow brick road dow

n the steps and out to the back for the clearance area. While the clearance wasn't really anything we needed, we did see this cute door...my Aunt Jan is Vanna-ing it for you guys. Usually it's open and you can head down into the clearance basement. Look how tiny that door is!

I stopped taking photos after the first 2 stores...there was just too much cute stuff to take in! We will go back to Buffalo again, this I will guarantee. It may be sooner rather than later, as I found a cupboard that I'm still kicking myself for not buying. I'm like AH'NOLD...I"LL BE BACK. On the way back home we stopped outside of Rockford MN at an orchard to buy apples and check out the pumpkins. My friends, it does not get any better than this, standing in a wet muddy farm field on a beautiful day, pawing the bright orange pumpkins.

This farm had SO many fun varieties, grey ones, white ones, flat cinderella-coach orange ones, warty ones, whatever type of pumpkin your heart desires! My heart desires one that the squirrels won't destroy in 2.9 seconds. Honeycrisp apples were the big purchase here.

So that's what I know. Today I'm off to go tanning, give myself a pedicure, wash & pack my summer clothing and try to shovel my house out a little. To quote a magnet we saw this weekend, "My idea of cleaning is to sweep the room with my eyes and call it a day."