OH MAN! I'm so ramped up today! I had a SPLENDIFEROUS junking day! Well, it started out as a trip to Best Buy to get a larger memory stick for my camera, so that I can take girlfriend photos for tonite's "Sex and the City" girlfriend night out. I rolled out of bed, showered, and headed on my merry way. Except I got sidetracked by the MILLIONS of garage sales that were scattered along the way in St Paul! This is the beauty of not having a boy with you. You can stop WHEREVER your heart desires, and Lord Almighty, I started hitting the sales. I picked up little .25 and .50 goodies everywhere, and then screeched back to the estate sale that I hit yesterday.

I couldn't stop thinking about some shabby drapes that I failed to snag on my lunch hour run. Are these not the CUTEST, SHABBIEST, STRIPIEST things you've ever seen? I was SO excited to go see if the drapes were there, that I showed up an HOUR early to the sale! DANG! So I kept hitting other sales in the neighborhood, went back, and MY DRAPES WERE STILL THERE! AND THEY WERE 1/2 OFF! So I got (2), count 'em (2) sets of drapes for $10.00. $5.00 per pair! SUCH A SCORE FOR MY STAMP ROOM!

And check it out....the hooks are already sewn in 'em, so all I had to do was slap them onto the window rod! I'll post pics after I clean up the horrendous mess that was once my stamp room.

The cake plate was a whole $6.00! OMG! It's etched and beautiful and not a chip on it! The pins and earrings were .50 each. I think I spent a total of $25.00 today! Dang, I couldn't even buy the fabric for that price!

These birdies & nests were $1.00! I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with 'em, but I'll find a use! They have little clips underneath them so they could go on my xmas tree.
The buttons were all 1/2 price, so .25 cents for each card. I think it's hilarious that the buttons are sewn onto the guy's shirt front in a row, like they would be on a real shirt! And one on each cufflink! Check out the little crocheted underwear. This was an impulse buy...they were just cute and 1/2 off so I grabbed 'em. The yellow shabby fabric underneath is a pillowcase. I'm going to find a big square throw pillow to put in it and it will go on a chair or on my bed.
Happy Saturday, everyone!