AND MORE MORE MORE yummy stuff coming your way! These Amy Butler K & Co papers will be MINE MINE MINE ***ALL MINE***! The Michaels coupons will be getting a workout pretty soon.

May Arts Ribbon yumminess.

GIRLY CUTESIE FOOFY IMAGINICE stamps & embellishments!

My Mind's Eye. Dang, I couldn't figure out whether to focus on the paper or the hot guys selling the paper. The paper won out. WHAT IS *WRONG* WITH ME!!!!???

Inkadinkado Stamps. Delish!
OK, first... the MME guy was caaaute! 2nd, you took such great pics of all the delicous stuff!
Beautiful Paper....Can't wait to see what you do with it,girlie!
Marie H
Thanks for more pics! I think I would have preferred the cute guys at the MME booth! LOL All your pics are great!!
OMG - I just had a huge O looking at all the K&Co and Imaginice and Inkadinkadoo stamps......
*heart palpitations*
*chequebook cringes and runs away*
LOL! You crack me up babe! :) It was so awesome to see you! :)
Holy aching wallet!! You are showing so many must haves. (Except the guys - eye candy, but I bet not interested in you, so to speak, and I am a magnet for that type)
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