YAAAAAAAAHOOOOOO! IT'S MY TURN! Sweet Sandy Redburn from Crafty Secrets let each design team member pick out our favorite Crafty Secrets stamp set, cotton scrap and booklet to give away! My drawing will end this Wednesday, December 26th, so make sure to leave me a comment here to enter the drawing! I'll draw on Wednesday evening after I get home from work! POO. I only have Monday & Tues. off because I used up all of my vacation days.
So I chose the Coffee & Tea Chickies as my favorite set! I had so much fun playing with this set right off the bat when it was released, and the sentiment completely fits my humor perfectly. It is the most special set to me because I was so thrilled that the cards I made with it were used in Crafty Secret's ads (CHA Chicago). To be featured next to the work of Vicki Chrisman, Anna Wight and Julie Ebersole was unbelievable to me!
I am *so* not worthy! This set will also be featured in an upcoming article along with 5 new cards of mine in the upcoming Spring issue of Take Ten.
To enter, leave me a comment on this thread and tell me about the most special moment you had this year during your holiday celebrations.
Hope your holiday is filled with many wonderful memories and special moments.
Happy Holidays! L.
The most special moment is when we had our first snow fall. The boys (ages 10 & 6) were filled with wonder and the magic of the season. It makes me stop and enjoy the moment as well. (I love those reminders!)
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
OMG!!! I flippin LOVE IT!!!
pick me,pick me PULEEEZE.
Julie Smith
Wow, I would love to win this set. The most special moment I had this year was receiving recipes from all my 9 kids so that I can make a family cookbook....this set would be perfect for it!
I think the best moment recently has been sitting in my craft room with my daughter. She's 14 and we have been sharing a lot of time together, and it's so nice to be able to just sit and talk to her, instead of always being the MOM.
My favorite Holiay Memory this year is seeing the look on my coworker's faces as 1) they realized I made marshmallows from scratch and 2) they saw their Christmas cards from me.
The other favorite memory is going through a recipe box and finding a Jewel Cookie recipe in my grandmother's handwriting - she passed away over 10 years ago and I wasn't sure a copy of the recipe existed anymore.
So far my favorite holiday memory is coming home from working at a Women's Expo all weekend and seeing that my hubby had put up the Christmas lights and some of the big decorations! I'm sure I'll make more as my boys come home for the holidays. Happy Holidays!
P.S. I'd LOVE to win this set! It really reminds me of my mother's kitchen when I was growing up. I'd love to make her some special gifts using it...thanks for the offer!
so far this holiday season the most special moment was when the kids came home from school and wanted me to open their gifts they made for us for christmas. They were so proud. You and crafty secrets are the greatest for doing this.
One of my special moments this year - getting to meet up with several of my out of state friends (I live in Fl, one lives in Wis, one in California and the other in Michigan!) over Thanksgiving!
I love this set - I think it's my absolute fave! Thanks for the awesome giveaway and congrats on being published! My fave moment this year was opening the envelope containing the money collected by our small group from church for our 2 Christmas families and being overwhelmed and humbled by everyone's generosity. It was such a joy to shop for those families.
Just luuurve what you have done with this set.
My favourite moment this Christmas season ? I took my friends 3 year old daughter to the zoo for a day trip so that her mum could get some time to herself.
When we came back we asked her what she liked best.
She said the chicken sneeze. We kept asking her what she meant, but she just kept saying the chicken sneeze.
I gave her the pamphlet from the zoo and she squealed "there there, the chicken sneeze"....
Looking at the photo, I nearly choked laughing - She meant chimpanzees !!!!!!!!
Ho ho ho ho ho ... is that funny or wot !!
OH! This would be fabulous! I've been eying the crafty secrets stamps and haven't been able to buy one yet. This one is at the top of my list! I love it!!! Please Pick ME! My favorite holiday memory so far is last nights Family Christmas Party!! We had a blast exchanging white elephant gifts and playing Scategories.
Merry Merry Christmas!!
OMG! I LOVE those 2 sets! Anything Coffee and tea! Thanks for the chance-those items SO ROCK!
Best moment-When my daughter Alexa (8)(she has leukemia) got to come home from the hopsital ON her birthday in time for her big Princess Costume Party!!
She dressed up in a fabulous Cinderella dress, with light up glass slippers!
It was a phenominal time. The look on her face was priceless. She was hospitalized for 9 months last year with it, and missed her birthday. So to have such a great one (especially thinking it would happen again) was priceless to me.
When cancer happens it really makes you cherish everyday! Especially your own children.
She is doing really good now, and we only have about 8 months left.
Happy Holidays
My grandkids (4,5 & 7)came over and we made ornaments together. My 7 year old grandaughter said,
"grandma I just love to be in your craft room with you"! I'm hoping these will be memories they will remember forever.
I LOVE this set,count me in! Fav. moment was probably yesterday, trying to pretend I wasnt sick when my boss came and gave me a bonus and sang my praises...a pat on the back is always a good thing!! Merry Christmas!! Have a good one! Laurie
Hi Lisa,
Every time you show your creations with Crafty Secrets stuff, I want to have it! Your work is beautiful!
My favorite moment this season (so far) was having dinner with two old friends and giving them each a homemade card. We decided to stop exchanging gifts (getting together IS the gift!) but they were each so appreciative of a card that was made specially for them!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones!
Wonderful package, Miss Lisa! While I know I can't win, I wanted to share my moment anyway. Can you believe it was receiving my engagement ring!? =) Big holiday hugs to you, Lisa! Cheers! -Anna.
So sorry you don't have the week off! But I can assure you that if I win I will stamp for you! LOL! Yummy blog candy, looks like a lot of fun!
Hi Lisa! I only have 2 days off for the holiday too, I had too much fun this summer! My favorite holiday moment was going to the Dr. with my DH and getting to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. We were both bawling. What a magical moment! Happy Holidays! Abi
The most special moment was when my youngest DD (age 4) preformed in her first Christmas program at preschool. She was so serious about it and so cute! Thank you for this awesome opportunity!
My most special moment was with my son Ben (10), we went to get Daddy's Christmas present and he got him a Garfield stuffed animal that says, "It's hard to improve on perfection" and Garfield is wearing sunglasses. It was so important to Ben to get Daddy this - I think he put a lot of thought into it.
Wow! Wonderful giveaway and love your creations!
My most special moment was actually my b-day which is December 18th. My dear sweetie gave me a diamond necklace with a card that said he never wanted anyone for forever until me...
Still makes me weepy and I think this is actually my most special moment ever!
Wishing the happiest of holidays to all!
I just discovered your blog a few days ago and I am in awe! Your work is gorgeous and because of you I found out about Crafty Secrets. After looking through their website, this is one of the many sets I have in my basket - but to win it would be fabulous :)
I guess one of my best moments so far was when I took my 14 yr old DD and her boyfriend and my little 7 yr old DS to see the Chipmunks movie and Santa was outside the movie theatre in his very cute house, they were very willing to stand outside in the rain and cold to get a picture and I didn't even have to bribe them :)
Have a very Merry Christmas!
I am so in LOVE with Crafty Secrets
products. They are just my style! Thanks for the chance to win them for free. Imogene
I think my fav memory so far was when the holiday train came to town. My DS is so into trains and his giddiness was infectious!
Great cards...these retro images are fab!
I'm still waiting for the moment-maybe when the dog finally figures out that I am the boss. SInce I really dont participate in the insanity of the holidays, I dont have a sparkly moment to give you. I am hibernating until its at least 60.
OMG-the sun just peeked out.Freaky!
I love what you picked out for your readers. I love the shabby look and this candy would be so much fun to play with. My special moment is getting a phone call from my daughter saying she was coming home for Christmas....ok we have to pay for the plane ticket. What you will do for your kids. I guess she is worth it. You are going to make 1 stamper very happy and I hope it's ME ME ME!
Thanks for a chance.
LOVE LOVE LOVE anything Crafty Secrets! Special moment: spending the day with my niece, catching a movie with her, and hearing the wonder in her voice as she spoke to "Santa" on the phone.
so far, my favorite moment has been seeing the card my 4yo ds made at school. He drew a snowman, and it REALLY looks like a snowman! Too cute and melts my heart to see him growing up so fast! thanks for sharing and happy holidays to you!
Oh that's a wonderful prize! Picke me pleeeease! We had a wonderful holiday party this past week with our closes friends and it was just so warm and comfy and fun!
Mary Puskar
I liked watching my grandson examine the special ornaments on our tree. He's two and touches them with "one finger". What a cutie!
Wow! Those sets are AWESOME!!
My favorite moment this year would have to be last night. I got to put my toddler DD to bed (DH usually does) and after the lights were out but before I put her into bed she gave me the biggest, bestest hug ever and said, "Awwww... Love you." It was priceless.
My most special moment was when I got goosebumps watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special and Linus is on stage telling Charlie the true meaning of Christmas.
My favorite moment was taking my 5 yr. old granddaughter to see the living Nativity that a local church put on. It was so beautiful& realistic with all the different scenes which led up to the birth of our Savior. She was in awe of all the live donkey, camel, sheep, llama and cows as well as the clothing that the people in that era wore. And of course seeing that precious baby in a manager thrilled us from the top of our heads to the tip of our toes:)
My best times during the holidays are those spent with family. Have a wonderful Christmas.
My favorite holiday moment is finding the "perfect" gift for someone and seeing the delightful reponse when they open the gift.
My most special moment will be Christmas Eve - I go to the Christmas Eve services with my parents, we eat at Waffle House, and then we exchange gifts! It's our own little tradition...Waffle House every year!
Love the stamp set you chose!
As for my fav holiday moment, I think to this point it's been going out to see lights and having my little guy so excited and my "big" guy (4) counting them all!
Merry Christmas!
All of your creations are so amazing! How can you think you aren't worthy of being on display with other stampers?
I have yet to make a favorite holiday memory this year. My mil is in the end stage of cancer so this season won't be one of celebrating. Your blog is one of my few sources of joy right now so I'm happy just to come here but it would be wonderful to win this set.
Oh my gosh, I love your blog best of all and love this set right along with it! I don't have any Crafty Secrets sets yet and would be so excited to win my first one!
Shelly M
Oh my gosh, I love your blog best of all and love this set right along with it! I don't have any Crafty Secrets sets yet and would be so excited to win my first one!
Shelly M
Oh I can't wait to see you in Take Ten!! Oh and by the way you are too worthy - those gals rock, yes indeed; but girl so do YOU!
We've certainly got more holiday things to accomplish and experience but so far the best moment was bittersweet but still the best moment so far. Hubby and I have been ... oh I'll call it stressed ... and his folks were here and partied and ate and acted rude then left. Just got up and left me with a huge mess! I was in shock and began crying as I stood in the middle of it all. Not one single person in that whole big family offered to help me do one thing or to even help clear the table. Unbelievable. Anyway, Hubby put his arms around me and apologized for them. We just hugged for the longest time! That felt soooooo good to both of us, we needed it. Then we cleaned up together and talked and laughed. Bittersweet yes, but it was a good thing and I'm thankful for it.
I have to say that so far my most special moment has been a surprise gift I received from one of the waitresses at a family restaurant that Jim and I visit everyday. She made me a beautiful reversible handmade apron. The material is so awesome. It surprised me so much that she thought enough of me to do this. It was a great feeling.
My special moment was getting a christmas tree with my husband and new baby. It was during the first snow fall and we have great pictures.
Hey I just made my first crafty secrets card at
The most special moment is when I decorate the tree and switch on the lights for the first time. It's simply magical.
Love the candy...
Awesome set....My favorite memory this year is when I took my twin brother who is dying of brain cancer out Christma shopping for his wife, knowing this will be the last time he Celebrates Christmas. His cancer is very aggressive, so I Cherish every moment I have left with him.
WOW! More cool stamps! And I *heart* the cards you made! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize!
My most special moment this year was when my 2 1/2 year old son spontaneously told me he loved me for the first time. It was so swwet. Love you mommy....what could be better? Thanks for this opportunity to win your great candy!
Lisa-first I want to say that I subscribe to your blog and I look forward to seeing your creations. I love everything you do and appreciate your sense of humor...still laughing about that Hanna card! My favorite "happening" this year....a new grandson born in November, just in time for Thanksgiving. It doesn't get any better than that! Merry Christmas to you and your family. Can't wait to see what you will bring us in the New Year. ~Joyce
Those dancing teapots are just too cute! So far, I guess the most special moment has been having a white Christmas! We've had several inches of snow already. jostamper@nycap.rr.com
Friday - at noon - when I left work! That was PURE MAGIC BABY! ;)
Seriously....I guess it would be when we decided to ask our parents to give the $ they would have used for our gifts to some other family members who need it more than we do....... :)
Wishing you a merry Christmas! My favorite moment(s) are watching my kids playing Christmas morning - the wrapping paper tossed everywhere.
Thanks for the chance to win this cute stamp set!
My favorite moment so far has got to be accused of shoplifting a nugget box I had made and had in my pocket when I was leaving a store recently. It was humiliating at first, but then just a funny story to tell because who knew a hand-crafted nugget box could cause so much trouble?
Our most special moment, was letting the boys put up the Christmas Tree all by themselves this year. I sat back and watched their faces smiling and being happy.
Most special moment! Meeting my future daughter in law! What a joy to look forward to a new season in our family life!
We built a snowman with our new neighbors. they are from Alabama and none of them hjave seen snow before. they are a joy and it was so much fun sharing the day wih them.
My most memorable moment this season is making Sugar Cookies with my year old son.
I love the blog candy so please pick me pick me.
First off it's snowing and I got an early present from my oldest son, a 2 month old Chihuahua. She is adorable.
Cindy F
My most special moment so far was when my husband sneaked the little bag that says "KAY Jewelers" on it under the tree. He doesn't always do a lot of shopping for special events, but when he does it's usually pretty special. I can't wait to see what it is!! :)
I send cards to several children who are sick with brain tumors. Friday I just received a Christmas card from on of them with his photo in it. I melted! This was the most special thing to happen to me this Christmas season so far. Thanks for the chance to win!
Michelle Adams
I love these sets! I adore the retro-fresh style.
This holiday has been a mad dash, but the best part for me is our annual holiday bake-off. My grandma, mom, me and all the kids (4 generations) got together to bake cookies last weekend. A bazillion cookies, a sink of dishes, and three-sugar overloaded kids later and we'd made a ton of memories. That's priceless to me.
I'm a teacher and so far my favorite holiday moment was watching my students opening the gift of an ornament that my dh and I gave to each of them. I've never had a more grateful class!!! It was a treat to give to them and watch their excitement!!! Lisa B. bohler@gra.midco.net
Every year we go out for the adventure of cutting down our Christmas tree. It may not seem like much, but it means a lot to our family. The farm we go to is about 45 minutes away. The drive out is filled with the anticipation of finding the 'perfect' tree. Even though my boys are now teenages, we all still look forward to that trip. The Clydesdale horses take us out to the trees, the weather is always cold and brisk, each person has to take a turn cutting the base, and we wouldn't miss that adventure for the world!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!! :)
just love your blog and all your cute cards susan
This looks like a fun and versitile stamp set. I would love to have it as my first one from this company. Have a Happy Christmas! QueenPam
Friday night we had dinner with friends. Among our group were 3 cancer survivors (one of them was my husband). It was nice to celebrate the holidays and remember how blessed we are. That was one of my specials moments. Have a Merry Christmas!!
I love it!! My most magical memory is getting my daughter all suited up with snowpants, hat, muffler....and to see her do snow angels on the driveway!! She was too young to do them last year and this year she couldn't wait to do it!
Cheryl KVD
My most special moment this year was celebrating my 50th birthday this year. I wasn't looking forward to it, I dreaded it, but then decided being negative wasn't going to change it, I still would be 50, so I agreed to a party, (red hat!), and this was my best birthday. I had a day at the spa also for my 50th. Pure heaven.
Merry Chistmas everyone,
What a generous give away with a great stamp set! This year has been one of extreme transition for me; my most special moment would be having my son fly out for Thanksgiving to spend it with me in my new location (out of state from my previous home). It meant a lot for him to be at my new place. Thanks for the chance to win.
Wow great set I would love to win it. The most special moment I had this year was creating a booklet of my first Grandson's first christmas, it brought back such great memories and makes me really look forward to this year!
Have a safe and Merry Christmas
Well - regardless of how it goes (!) it will be tomorrow when I pick up my son from his Junior year incollege to come home for christmas. After that it will be when we use his very OWN new Betty Crocker cookbook (which he hasn't opened yet obviously!) to make cut out cookies from scratch! (um, I hope!)
The most special moment this year was receiving my brothers Christmas card with a photo of my new baby nephew.
Oh my, these are AWESOME! My special moment this holiday season so far has been when my 15 year old dd and her friends made sandwich cookies. We had never baked with her friends before and had a great time.
Have a very happy holiday!!!
Adair Svoboda
I love this!!! PICK ME!! PICK ME!!
My favorite moment has been ..shopping for clothes and toys for a little boy that wouldn't have gotten anything this year.
Have a Merry Christmas
I LOVE this blog!
This is a great give away!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!
My favorite holiday will be this Christmas when my entire family will be together Mom dad sister and her kids and my brother and his kids!! This has not happened in years!!
The most special moment this year has been seeing my friends who are home for the holidays. We are usually away so it has been great. One friend I've known since we were in grade school has gotten engaged and asked us to be in the wedding during her family holiday party. I feel honored and am so happy for her!! Thanks for the chance and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!
My favorite moment this season was when talking to my 7yo nephew regarding if he was spending the weekend at my house (he's had an awful case of the stomache flu).. His answer was "I have to. Its tradition that we open our presents and have a pajama day. Remember auntie...don't you remember?" I still have a smile on my face and in my heart.
My favorite moment was watching my daughter's reaction to a phone message. The message was left by a college counselor who called to tell my daughter that she had been admitted.
I love that stamp set and would be overjoyed to win. Since I run on coffee, it's perfect for me!
Merry, merry Christmas!
It's not Christmas related, but recently my husband told me that he felt so incredibly special when we first met, and the way that I looked at him made him feel like he was in heaven...that made my day!!!
Oh, this has been an interesting holiday season. I think my most memorable moment this year has been when my husband woke me up at 6:30 am on Thursday, Dec. 20 and said, "The toilets and showers are plugged, you're going to need to call a plumber." (And almost $400 later, they were unplugged.) Or maybe it was standing in line for five hours outside a gaming store on Black Friday so we could score a Wii for the kids; we were first in line and got one of the seven they had, but there were several people who cut in line and squeezed out others who had waited a long time. That bothered me for two weeks because it was so unfair. I was so tired on Friday, Dec. 21 after making stuff for kids' Christmas parties and shopping and wrapping that I actually started a load of laundry and forgot to put any clothes in it! And I still don't have all my Christmas cards sent. *sigh* I honestly can't wait to have this holiday season over. Sorry to be such a downer, but I gotta be honest. This is some fantastic blog candy, though; Crafty Secrets stuff is wonderful. :-D
--AlternateReality on SplitCoastStampers.com
My special moment thus far has been seeing my son admire the tree after it's decorated. Yes, he is 17 and STILL loves the tree!
Linda H.
My most special moment this year, was when I realized that I didn't have to have the "perfect" Christmas and to concentrate more on what was really important to me.
I crossed a few things off the list and was pleasantly surprised that it is all working out. I think the special moments were seeing my mom and dad arrive, and having my son home for the Holiday season.
Merry Christmas, Zapstar!!
My favorite or best memory this season, well my 5th grandchild was born on the 19th and as I am sure you all know she is so beutiful and perfect in every way. Nothing I will get will be able to top her. Thanks Pat N stamppro@localnet.com
What a wonderful giveaway - I love virtually everything I've seen made with this set, but somehow have managed to resist buying it :)
My most favorite thing this year has been baking with my kiddos (2 and 4). We've had so much fun together, and the kids love helping deliver the plates of goodies
Oh, I love those little teapots. They are so cute! They remind me of some of the old fashion commercials. I really do like seeing them when they show commercials from the past. Most memorable moment this year would have to be in September when we went to my parents to help bring home their new alpacas. Check them out at www.heavensgatealpacas.com :) Kelly
I LOVE this set. Pick me so that I can spend weeeeks playing with it! So far the best memory has been looking for the cat everywhere. I couldn't find him outside, inside, not in any of his favorite spots, not curled up with the dog, not in my bed. Where is he???? Just before I went into full blown panic mode, I spied him asleep under the lit christmas tree. He was so peaceful and sweet I had to take a photo. It was a Hallmark moment.
This is a great set:) My fave moment so far is meeting my new niece. Also, it's the first grandchild in the family, so it's fun watching the grandparents on both sides figure out who gets to hold the baby when.
isla_kitty at yahoo.com
(I LOVE your blog and your wonderful creations!) My most special holiday moment was 18 years ago when I delivered my first child, a little boy who I had a month early. He was due in January and decided to make his appearance on December 21st. Everyone complained that it must have been so tough to have a baby so close to Christmas but honestly it was the best gift ever and we got to come home on Christmas morning!!! That will always be my favorite and special holiday moment :)
Your samples really show off these sets. I almost bought them this weekend. Perhaps I had a premonition... Merry Christmas all!
My favorite moment this holiday season was when my two little girls (ages 4 and 1) woke up the morning after Thanksgiving, stumbled to the living room, and stopped in shock and awe to stare at the Christmas tree. We had put it up after they went to bed, so they weren't expecting it. Then, after they were fully awake, we all decorated it together! It was so much fun! But, if you look at our tree, almost all of our ornaments are in the top half of our tree... Little hands can reach much more than you think!
PS - Your creations are beautiful!!!
I am sipping on coffee as I look at this set- I LOVE it!
My most special moment so far was not a holiday event, exactly, but the realization that my 4 year-old is developing into a very thoughtful girl. She saw a new crafting gadget on TV, and told DH that they needed to get that for me because I would like it. She's right= it's something I would love. My mommy heart is so proud of her for thinking of others.
What a great topic and a great prize too! I'd have to say that teh most special moment so far has been seeing my daughter in her choir robe singing in our church's "Messiah" cantata. Our church burnt down in December four years ago and this is the first Christmas in our new church. It has been a real journey for all of us to get to this point and seeing my daughter in her choir robe as I remember my years in the youth choir was a very moving experience. Thanks for a chance to share it! Merry Christmas!
I'm still debating on whether this is my most favorite Christmas moment or not, but then, it was said by my first grandson, so that HAS to make it special right???
We were all sitting down to a wonderful meal, with company, and of course, I am always the last to sit down. The chairs were all taken, so I grabbed a stool from the bar, and my 5 yr. old grandson says to me: "Grandma, you don't fit in a chair?" I said: "All the chairs are taken, so I'm sitting on a stool just like you!" He repeats his comment: "Grandma, you don't fit in a chair?" And I repeat: "All the chairs are taken, so Grandma is sitting on a stool just like you!" This time he loudly says: "Grandma, you're big and round and jolly like Santa!"
EVERYONE busts out laughing...including me! So I grabbed my stomach, and holler: "Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!" (What else could I do at that point?)
So, that is now the phrase everyone is talking about around here...It won't die, so I am just going with the flow!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Hi. Most nicest holiday memory is that waking up early morning on Dec 25th and all candies were mine... it was beautiful when xmas tree was shining...
I would love to win this set, too.
So far my favorite moment has been a volunteer appreciation banquet I attended... They really went all out to make this a super nice event for all of us and I had a wonderful time! Wild and crazy bunch!
Well, I left a comment above but deleted it.. sorry! I wanted to say I hope you have a terrific Holiday even if you do have to work the next day!
My favorite Christmas memory is Christmas 2004.. I had just gotten the go ahead to have surgery the following year. I was told I would not live to see my next birthday but the holidays delivered my true wish. to be alive and healthy! And now I am!
My most special moment was seeing my baby light up during Disneyland's Holiday parade. He just loved it!
My best holiday moment was making paper chains with my daughter to decorate the tree. We used all kinds of designer paper scraps and ended up decorating the whole house. She just glowed when my husband came home and said it was the prettiest Christmas ever. She turned 3 yesterday.
Merry Christmas!
My most special moment was getting to make Christmas cookies with my mom. She came to visit me. I don't get to spend Christmas with my family this year so it was extra special to be able to do that tradition.
So far, my favorite moments have been catching up with friends and family ... and getting lots of hugs.
So far my most favorite moment this year is eating under the Christmas tree at Macy's in Chicago...with my daughters who are in college....here's a link to my blog so you can see the pictures: http://www.sscrappystamper.blogspot.com/
It was so fun getting to spend time with them! And, I have to add, I LOVE WHAT YOU PICKED FOR YOUR BLOG GIVEAWAY!!!! I LOVE IT! I hope I win! Merry Christmas!!
OH I'm post 103 LOVE it as its my DD's Bday she was born 1-03-07 :)
Well any hoot my spec. moment this yr just happened this Sat. we finally put up our tree it was so wonderful as this year has been really hard for us and we didnt't think we were going to have Christmas even though we know that my MIL and mom would make sure our babies had gifts to open but it was making me sad we weren't going to give even a small thing for them to open but with God First my brother and cousin gave me my Christmas present early and I ran to the stores and got my babies each a gift and my mom and brother and cousins went WAYYYYYYY over board spoiling them and we were able to bring the gifts home to put them under the tree we put together seeing my boys smile as we turned on the tree was priceless and it was the best gift ever :)
Hmmmmm..special moment. I am so ready for 2008 to start, this year has been filled with horrific tragedy....I do have to say my special time thus far for 2007 holiday season, was when after traveling 2 1/2 hours to spend the day with my in-laws, I received enormous hugs filled with love from almost the entire family. (The kind where they don't want to let go...) This is huge for me, as I don't recall ever having such a warm reception...I simply can't explain, but I'll never forget this. Now, I know special moment number 2 will be when my children see that Santa left them a PUPPY tomorrow morning on Christmas Day!
Merry Christmas! The most special moment....I think having family here with us and being able to stay home for Christmas. The boys are very excited!
WOW! Would love to win this prize! My special moment is sharing an evening opening presents w/our extended family. It's filled w/food, fun & laughter.
The most especial moment tis season was when my little daughter received a bycicle for Christmas, she is only 3 and she was so surprised that I think was a very especial Kodak moment LOL.
Also, we made cookies together and she told everybody she made them. She is my especial Christmas miracle, just praying for another one, I will love to give her a baby brother or sister.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!! and I love the candy blog !!!!!!!
God bless you
Giovana Smith.
The most special moment this year was the birth of my new niece. She was delivered c-section and got quite a bit of fluid in her lungs, so she had a rough start but by the end of the day she was out of the nursery and in with Mom. What a beautiful little blessing this Christmas season.
My best moment of the season was finding out my Brother-in-Law and Niece were coming for a visit.
His wife (and her mommy) passed away in Oct after a long battle with breast cancer.
We are happy they will be with us so we can wrap them up in love!!!
My favorite moment of the season has definitely been coming home to Dallas and visiting some friends that I haven't seen in ages. What fun we had!!
I love, love, love crafty secrets. I'm not a winner though, as I seem to have a big L tattooed on my forehead. lol Oh well, someone will get a wonderful gift.
My most memorable moment this season was when dh and I watched "It's a Wonderful Life" for the umpteenth time (we watch it ever year) and we both cried at the ending, as usual. I love that movie.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Karen (scs imastampin)
So far, the most special moment was seeing Brett's teachers reaction to the class gift. In lieu of a material gift, donations were collected from the students and their families and a donation was made in her name to 2 of her favorite charities. She was so touched and in tears. A gentle reminder that it isn't the material things that matter most.
Merry Christmas Lisa!
The entire month of December was special this year. I had my piano recital this year at a nursing home....oh how they loved us. I had 25 kids play for 2 1/2 hours. They were all dresed up in their Christmas best.
Then hubby gave me a gift early...a litchenaid stand mixer, we made cookies together for 3 days. I had surgery in late November for achelles tendon repair, so he was my legs.
Tonight we will put the dogs in the car, pack a few Christmas Cd's and go look at Christmas lights in town.....We'd planned a tri[ to Michigan, this is the next best thing....after we talk to them for hours on the phone of course.....
Great give away.....I'd love to win!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
Vicky Sitterly
My best time so far has been spending a day on the sofa with a book and just reading! Such a treat, and one I haven't had for such a long time :o)
rubybrambleburr at hotmail dot com
I must say, I luvvv your cards, no wonder you chose this set for your fav!
Not alot going on for me this year, but today I got to see my brother for the first time in 20 months, even if only very brief with a promise he'll return for a proper visit in a few weeks! And a Hug and Kiss and Sis card too! :) I'm a happy camper.
Have a wonderful Holiday & Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
Wonderful Goodies! I think my most special moment this year was watching the two new additions (my daughter's maltese/shitzu and our bichon/shitzu) take 1/2 hr out of their rambuctious playtime to snuggle and sleep together on my puppies bed...so adorable!!
Merry Christmas!!
My favorite moment was on one of the crazy, hectic days where I work, I took in some chocolates for a couple of co-workers. The excitement, joy and appreciation on their faces made me happy. It felt so good to make them feel better when they were having a rough day dealing with grumpy customers.
my favorite moment this christmas was being able to spend it with my family...there were tears shed as we did not get to go home for the holidays...but my boys had a wonderful christmas with my husband and I...we got to take it easy...relax...take our time opening everything....it was wonderful!!!
What great choices for your fav sets and packs! Those are some of my favs too!
My favorite Christmas moment was last night when my son was very upset that his baby brother was still awake. "mommy, Ryan's awake and Santa won't come now." I assured him that Ryan would indeed fall asleep and Santa would come. So cute for a 3yr old!
And, congrats on getting published in Take Ten. We are the most critical of our own work, but trust us all, you are SO worthy!! -michelle
One of my special moments this season was spent with my grandmother who is 95. She baked her traditional cookies and pastries and got such joy from us enjoying them. Susan H
Watching my kids looking for a gift for each other. They put a lot of thought into it and it was just so sweet!
I think that my special moment for this holiday was when I was opening my gifts and realized that they had finally listened to my hints I had dropped all year long. Either they are getting older and wiser or I am getting louder and more persistant! Enjoy your family.
This year's special moment was when my 3 year old son told everyone that Christmas was about being with people who love you. It was so very sweet.
Merry Christmas,
Mary Lou
P.S. I received more copic markers!
I just got a special Christmas moment last night. I am going to
Julie Smith
Fab, fab give away! Congrats on your most recent publishings.
what a fun giveaway! the most special moment is taking Dyllan (3) to see his 1st disneyland parade!
Wonderful blog, Lisa!~I love your work and now I've favorited (is that a word??) your site! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us!
Laura VanVleet
My special moment came at work this year. I teach 1st grade, and I have pics of my cats in my room, one of my cats died 5 years ago and one of them I have now. Well one of my little girls came in on Friday before vacation and handed me a little stuffed cat, and said " I picked this one because it looks like your cat Pearl that died" well it brought tears to my eyes! Just so sweet that a 6 year old would remember my little kitty and know how special she was to me!
thanks for the chance to win!
I can't pinpoint the most special moment, but just being with my family all day, with no hurry, just being there and being happy... the whole day was so special!
I really enjoyed church on Christmas morning. The message was just perfect for how I was feeling. Thanks for asking! Merry Christmas!
My best holiday memory is making ornaments with DD and by myself, and decorating the tree, and receiving a box of Crafty Secrets stuff I ordered on-line and then making cards with them!!
fingers crossed thati may be so lucky so as to win!ahh,, a lovely blog u have here
For the first time in years we had Christmas with my parents. It was truly the best christmas ever!
My most special moment of the holiday season was receiving a craft desk to organize my insame need to collect more and more stamps. I love these sets and they would fit right into my collection - I have a draw just waiting for them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The best moments of yesterday was talking to my son who lives 1000 miles away - going to school- and couldn't come home. He called a few times to check up on his mom. He knew yesterday was gonna be hard for me.
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