Stampendous has always been one of my favorite 'cutesy' stamp lines, even from when I was teaching at Archivers. Can I ask you guys something? Do monkeys eat peanuts? I know that's sort of stupid, but I had already bought the peanuts to fill up my little Stampendous paint can. For some reason I was remembering feeding monkeys peanuts at the zoo. I suppose it doesn't FOR SURE can't fit bananas in there! Joy had stayed at my house for a Stamping retreat and brought me a little pail full of stamps when she was here last. She's like Santa Claus, only with better toys! I love you, Joyful!
I decorated this paint can with new Cosmo Cricket "bandwith" paper from the "twist & shout" line. The alphabet letters were stamped with the new stampendous letters that will debut tomorrow at E.P. (see bad photo from yesterday!)
I saw these little mini clipboards at CHA in February too...Stampendous was doing a make & take with them. Dang, I forgot the ribbon on the clip part! The tiny sentiment is from A'Muse, "Have a swinging day". Make sure to check out Lana L. & Camipink's blogs for more of the new release Stampendous stuff, too!
I'm off to a stamping retreat this weekend so I'll be missing until Sunday. I'm shooting for 100 cards this weekend. YIKES! The pressure! Hopefully I'll have lots to post, anyway! Have a good weekend!
100 cards? You go girl!!! If anyone can accomplish that, it's you! have fun!
oh Zappy these little monkeys are so cute!!! I just love what you do with all of them!!
hey baby! i think several of us are swingin' like these monkeys! ;) but i think monkeys will eat just about anything ~ or is that my boys?
love the cards! and you've just about sold me on craft secrets birds! :)
Yet another adorable creation!
100 cards...I have total faith you can getter done!
I freaking LOOOOOOOOOOOVE that monkey stamp, girlfriend!
And as always, I love what you do when your rubbah hits ink, baby!!!!
Love ya bunches! ;)
Very, very cute LZ! I'm swinging a lot this week too, so I can relate. However, I don't think that 100 cards is going to slow you down! Take a deep breath and relax that wonderful mind of yours. It needs a rest ! :)
Too cute!! Had I purchased this stamp without looking at your blog, I would have totally stamped this upside down!! I don't need no more stinkin' monkeys!!!
These are just too cute! Love your bucket o' nuts. :) You're really rockin' these Changitos!
Lisa, ya know what would be yummy candy to go with the monkey? Those marshmallow Circus Peanuts, to me they have a banana taste. That way, you could get peanuts and bananas in the can, LOL. Love the monkey, btw.
Whhhooooooooooaaaaa, LZ!
100? Okay ... it's late afternoon on Saturday .. I'm betting that you have at least half of them done! I love your stampin' marathons!
I love the monkey! WOW - 100 cards?? You go girl!!!!! *hugs and love*
Wow!! these are incredible!!!
Ilove this guy! Add me to the legions who love seeing what happens when LZ mixes rubber, ink and paper!
Only complaint is to Paula - you have me wanting those silly circus peanuts.
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