Oh man, here we go! The CHA goodies are arriving and I WANT IT ALL~! Sweet Joy & Daisy from Eclectic Paperie are GETTING
NEW CHANGITOS IN! You will die when you see all the cute
Stampendous images from CHA that they will be carrying in the store! I got the goods and am monkeying around like a madwoman! Heh heh. This little sweetie monkey is called Changito Tire Swing...Joy and Daisy will be uploading the goodies this Friday so make sure to get signed up for their newsletter HERE if you want the inside scoop as it happens! Doesn't he look like he's fawning upside down over his monkey girlfriend?

I don't think I ever uploaded Stampendous pics from CHA, so I wanted to show you one of the new products that they are coming out with. You've probably seen these little mini stamps sets already in stores, but these alphabet stamps are new this year....tiny block ALPHABET letters for spelling out names and words! And they all come with little 2 step do-dad patterns to stamp inside the block letters! I had a hard time trying to photograph them, so sorry for the messy photo. I think you can see the letters ok. I ripped into them already and then tried to put them neatly back onto the cling sheets for the photos. Sorry, patience is not in my vocabulary. LOL
Camipink has better pics on her blog of these new little letters
(HERE) if you're interested in a clear view of them! Patterned paper: Chelsea's Place by Making Memories.
Can you stamp out: DROP SHIP ASAP?
I adore the monkey in the swing and then to see these letters....
Thanks on the heads up for enabling me to get my goods!!
Now THAT is one cute monkey image!!!!
bwaha ha ha! you spelled your name in the pic! you crack me up! Love the card ~ and did you come up with that way to spell LOVE ~ with the little flower? WAY COOL! you should be on IDOL ~ 'cause you ROCK!
This is so cute. I am going to have to get this one TOO! Love the card design and love the letters... I see you spelled LISA with them..... smart......
This monkey is so cute !! Akkkk!! I DON"T NEED ANY MORE STAMPS - DO YOU HEAR ME !!
Love what you do LZ - always ! :)
LOVE THAT MONKEY!!!!! Great Card.
Hi, I am wondering where did you buy the chantigo monkey stamp with the swing (tube)? That is such a really cute card you did. I would so love to have that stamp! I am collecting all the chantigo stamps. They're cute. :)
aaaaaaaaack! This is just way waaaaaay to cute!!!!
We always had a tire swing when we were growing up ... I think this one is going to be a must have ... adorable.
Those monkey stamps are waaaay too cute!
Oh how darling are these letters! Just toooooo stinkin' cool, LZ!
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