Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Riley Smores

When I saw this new image of Riley Moose (Hanna Stamps) in front of the campfire roasting marshmallows, I decided immediately that I'd have to do something SMORES-themed. My first thoughts were to package up graham crackers, Hershey bars & marshmallows & make a smores kit. Then I was talking to friend Carol Halvorson about my idea, and she said "HEY! Why don't you do a smores trail mix with marshmallows, chocolate chips and teddy grahams!" Carol is BRILLIANT, I tell ya! So that's just what I did. Problem being that I ate more Teddy Grahams than I actually put in the treat bag. I tell you, being on the Hanna design team is not good for my backside. Baby got back.
This little plastic snap bag actually held Foo-Fa-La buttons! I took all the buttons out, washed it, and put a belly band & May Arts ribbon around the middle of the bag with the marshmallow-roasting Riley image on front. Riley is colored with Copic Markers.

The card is done with soft sky Stampin up cardstock, and striped Crate "Taylor Hopscotch" paper. The brown distressed paper is from my scrap bin...I believe it's old Stampin Up paper. The Hanna design team is cranking out the Riley samples over at Splitcoast! You can check out their blogs to the right or click HERE to see all of the uploads over at Splitcoast.
The new Rileys will be released this week over at the Hanna Stamps website.


Amber Porter said...

Too stinkin cute! I love it!! Great idea with the trail mix!

Valerie said...

HA! I was right, it IS a FFL bag!!
Great set and I'm not sure any of that trail mix would actually make it into the container!

Flabbernoogles said...

SO cute! Love the Riley marshallows one.

Lana said...

ANOTHER SUPER FUN IDEA, Zappy! I love it! Can I have it! My birthday is coming up! I NEED IT! Come on! You know you want me to have it! LOL! Just teasing!

Michele Kovack said...

Another great idea! So cute!

JoAnna Goodman said...

This is fabulous!!

Kelly L said...

This Riley is so adorable! He just keeps getting cuter every stamp I see! Great job with the smores mix. I would have never thought of that, you ladies think of it all! :) Gotta admit there probably would not have been too many teddy grahams left if I had them either. Wow, haven't had those in a while (since DS was little). :) Kelly

Pam said...

How cute is this, OMG!! You NEED to send this to Robin, LOL!!

Stefanie Staniak said...

I so agree with Pi - this is a give for our resident camper/marshmallow roaster !! LOL !! Leave to HB to think of the trail mix - great idea and your bag and card is just wonderful !! I've decided that the reason that you can think out of the box so easily, is because you're never in the box!!
Love you Zappy ! :)

Juanita B said...

You and your friend make a BRILLIANT team! That Riley dude sure is cute, your did a fantastic job. TFS.

Carol (HB) said...

We are brilliant TOGETHER LZ!!!
I love the way these turned out! SO STINKIN CUTE!!!

MissaTooU said...

I love the trail mix idea! I may have to borrow that one, make for a great treat for my son's class.