Tonite is junk night here; I've been taking photos to show you from my last
2 weeks of junking adventures. The little metal thingies in the photo above are not dental fillings. They are actually letters that they used to use in printing books and newspapers back in the day with a letterpress. I was at a huge junk sale up at the cabin 2 weeks ago, and noticed all of these teeny tiny letters sitting in some old drawers. The guy at the junk sale sold the whole lot of them to me for $5.00. Why would you want them? Well, 2 reasons...first, I was curious to see if I could stamp with them...they came with the little metal rods that the letters slide onto. So it was sort of a $5.00 experiment, you could say. Secondly, I got on the phone to friend Heather Nichols (Pinefeather), who said "GRAB THEM"
, we'll see if we can play with them and if not, she'd send them up to her college professor who has a letterpress. I love the look of words done using different mismatched fonts. I need to see if I can get these to work better..I may experiment with different inks. Then, Friday on my lunch hour, I hit an estate sale across the street from my house. My neighbor is a photographer and she was selling a bunch of the props that she used when photographing her clients. I scored this box of glass slides, which I'm going to use with some foil tape to make vintage glass collage ornaments and possibly shaker cards.
$4.00 for 100 of them.
I paid $5.00 for this cool stepstool that she used when posing her splits in 2 so that she could have people standing at different heights when photographing them. This will be hosed down and given a coat of white paint. Remember my ginormous bed? I now have a stepstool to get into bed with! I love the scalloped bottoms on these.
GREAT STUFF!! Love the photos!
LZ--I have BLOG Candy--come on over to check it out (ends tomorrow!) :0)
HOT DANG!!!!!!!!!!! Great scores Z!!!! You just continually do things to prove what a ROCK STAR you are! just kill me with your treasure finds!!!
I NEVER find cool stuff like this! I can't wait to see the ornaments and shaker boxes you make....totally cool! I do photography on the side (portrait work for children) and that little steppy stool would have been perfect! At least now you won't have to get a flying start to get into your bed! Enjoy your goodies!
WOO HOOO!! The type letters are so AWESOME - I cannot wait to play with them. I still cannot believe that you picked them up for $5! Unreal.
I love seeing your "junk". TFS.
I can't believe you got the whole box of letters for $5! I was in a store in downtown Seattle a couple of weeks ago and they were selling printing press letters just like these for $2 EACH!! I was thinking of using them for initials/names to monogram gifts (maybe use them with gift wrapping), but I wasn't about to pay $2 even for one! What a steal you got! I'm shocked and excited for you all at once! :)
WOWOWOW! That's a bunch of letters LZ! The step stool is perfect, I can't wait to see it when you've done your magic on it. And the boxes, OMW, they will be gorgeous next to your tree!
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