Joy has created a monster here. I stamped all weekend, and was obsessed with the Stampendous bees. I get stamping with something I love and cannot move onto anything else but those stamps! I hope you're liking these bees, because you're gonna be seeing A LOT more of 'em! I made 40 cards this weekend, so I've got lots to share with you guys!
I gotta buzz outta here, I have to put back all the stuff I hauled to the scrapbooking weekend now. Geez! zzzzzzzzzzz
NOW I know where my mojo went, it went to Minnesota for the weekend! 40 cards? I am in AWE!
Love these bees and the yellow/brown combo you got going on!
OM Goodness!! These bees are the buzz!! And you were a busy bee with stamping 40 cards!!
40 cards? I made two and I thought I was keeping up! These cards look great...that Chatterbox DP is perfect!
Those are gorgeous! You are amazing
I'm in LOVE with your bee's Lisa!!!
They are adorable. You made 40 cards??? thud......
BEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!! They are the CUTEST! And AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING what you did with them!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!
super cute LZ!!!
These cards are the bee's knees! I just bought some of these bee stamps this weekend, now I better get busy with them! 40 cards...must be some kinda record girl!
Oh, these bees are so cute! Where were they when I needed to make Bees cards for a client? Great creative work! Thanks for sharing.
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