I'm back home again tonite, with no stamping photos but a lotta junk shots! It was the big garage sale weekend in Wisconsin at my parents house. We had a beautiful weekend for a sale and had lots of shabby treasures to offer up to garage-salers. I called Mom and had her take photos of the sale before it opened on Friday morning so you could see the junk in its full glory!

We had tons of vintage china for sale...my Mom and sister cleaned out their cupboards and got rid of lots of odds & ends of dishes! (I can't part with mine yet so they're still in my cupboard)! We are all gaga over floral china, and none of us can resist a stray teacup and saucer, or pretty floral plate, even if it doesn't match anything we own. These are odds and ends put up for sale.

Wicker items seemed to be popular...we had something from every era! My Mom cleared out her Santabears (Dayton's department stores), which were hot items back in the day but are now just big stuffed animals, taking up space!

This is Elliott, the neighbor's dog, who hung out with us most of the weekend. Here he's guarding the check-out table!

This is Elliott's owner, Oliver (Mom & Dad's neighbor). Oliver ran back and forth between the 3 garage sales all weekend, buying new toys and junk with the money he made from his Mom's garage sale. Here he's showing his brand new Fischer Price train set that he scored from the neighbor's house. We heard all about how cool the set was in great detail.

I went over and helped him set up his train set in his yard. A little while after that he came over with a gift for me....

This beautiful rubber band bracelet with his name on it. I'm supposed to wear it so that I won't forget him when he goes on vacation next week in Mackinaw Island. So that's my weekend in a nutshell, minus my dandelion weeding adventure when I returned home last night. I also have a slight problem this week...my camera went missing at the garage sale! So my blogging this week will be done using older photos of cards that I've done, while I'm out shopping for a new camera! Happy Monday all!