IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! I *LOVE* giving away blog candy! And it's a doozy again! Sandy Redburns from Crafty Secrets gave the whole design team extras of the brand spankin' new Journal Notes booklets, and it's my turn to give some away! YIPPIE!
You will get ALL FOUR of the new booklets! Can you believe what a great prize this is? Trust me, you will have SO much fun with these images! I worked with them all weekend and created a project in between shopping trips with my sweet girlfriends!

I ran to my hometown a few weekends ago and Grammie and I sat down and went through her photo albums. I'm so lucky to still have her in my life, as I've had some friends go through hard times lately, losing loved ones. The new Crafty Secrets booklets gave me a perfect excuse to sit with her, and she told me about the family vacations they used to take when my Mom and Aunt were young, up at Roy Lake, MN.

So here's how to enter the drawing! Leave a comment on this post & tell me your favorite memory of you and your Grandmother or Mother.. I love hearing family stories and memories , and I was so touched by all of your responses from my last blog candy drawing.
I'll do the drawing this Saturday, April 26th! Good Luck! :)
P.S. The little candy eater in my blog banner is me. I still have that reaction to candy.
Love Crafty Secrets!
Love your photo, it is too cute.
Wowza, what a haul!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite memory of my Grandmother is when I was a young girl and she brought out a picnic to me and my sister and cousins who were staying at her farm with a glorious 3 weeks. It was heavenly. Hot chocolate (yes, it was summer!) and homemade do-nuts dunked in lots of sugar. Then she made sure we had some fruit too! We sat under a HUGE tree on a blanket and talked of whatever children of 9 or 10 talk about! Such a happy, wonderful memory. Now this wonderful Grandmother has Alzheimers and is unaware of anyone, anything. We hope she leaves this Earth so she suffers with no more pain (she moans constantly with a broken hip that never healed properly). It is heartbreaking to see the shell of a woman who once was so vibrant and loving to her grandchildren and even more so when we visited her beloved farm.
Hi Lisa....
LOVE THIS BLOG!And crafty secrets.
My favorite things that my Grandmother and I did was can food from the garden each summer.Lay in the sun, dance and cook together.She taught me a lot.
She was a trip and I miss her everyday.Something always reminds me of her.
Love this blog candy!! Those vintage images are beautiful!!
What fun blog candy.
Thanks to Crafty Secrets and you for providing us with a chance to win some yummy no calorie candy!!
One of my favorite memories I have of my grandma is every summer she would have a garage sale. When pricing items I would always say price to sell. Do you want to keep it or sell it? Then reluctantly she would lower the price. Then once the sale started. She would act like she was one of the customers and make comments about the things we were selling to those who stopped by. Sometimes she would "disguise" herself and wear sunglasses. Just thinking about this makes me laugh and remember how much fun she was.
Thanks for the memory.
Way cool images, Lisa!
Love your sample, you have an amazing way of doing this style perfect justice. Love it!
What a cute photo!! Let's see - ont of my favorite memories of my grandmother is when she came to my wedding. She didn't really travel much and for her to come to a whole different state for my wedding was really special. She also came with two of my cousins and my uncle. One of the cousins, my uncle, and my grandmother have all passed away now, so that was a really special remembrance -- and I am thankful for the pictures!
One favorite memory with my grandma is the two of us sitting together at the kitchen table late at night talking, eating her yummy cake, and solving all of the world's problems ... I miss her.
One of my favorite memories of my Grandma was going through her button box with her. She sewed a lot,very talented with it.Always made all 4 of her grandchildren's Halloween costumes.I still have some of her handmade quilts. Her button box was a fascination to me-she saved all her buttons and had all sorts of different shapes, colors and sizes.I wonder- do grandmothers of today have button boxes?
I am so excited about this new product from Crafty Secrets (as I am with all of their products)! Thanks for this awesome opportunity. It was a joy to see your blog! Oddly enough the thing about I remember most about both of my grandmothers was cooking with them! My love for cooking (and eating) has followed to adulthood!
Awesome blog candy!!! My favorite memory of my Gram is having our sleep overs. My sister and I would do her hair, play Aggravation, and have rootbeer floats!
Love the crafty secrets goodies! My favorite memory of my Grandma is the fact that she and I are 60 years apart, the youngest in our families and SHE was 60 years younger than her Grandma. My daughter was born when my Grandma was 90 - so the tradition continues. My Mom and I are 30 years apart too! (When I was little, I thought my Mom was SO OLD!) I hope this makes sense, basically, for 6 generations the "grand" has been 30 years older than the kid!
gosh.. about my grandmother.. should have added to last post lol
she had sent me a birthday card with a packet of flower seeds.. as she loved flowers and taught me to plant them.. (this was for my ninth birthday)
thanks for nudging our wonderful memories out..
I remember my mother as a loving and kind example in my life. She took the time to do special little things for my sister and me. One special memory is of her as a Brownie and Girl Scout Leader and also as a Sunday School teacher. She truly was beautiful, inside and out!
C Burke
I've actually started a memory box with old photos of my Grandma (on my dad's side) along with her parents. She passed on when I was young so I treasure the memories I have of her.She was the sweetest ever. These would be perfect for completing that project!
My favorite memory of my grandmother might be the hours upon hours we spent in the lake in the summer. Me swimming, her sitting in her lawn chair that she brought into the water so she could cool off. I miss those days.
WOW! The whole set - that's an awesome prize!!
My Grandma K. always - ALWAYS - added lime to her Dr. Pepper. And sometimes, I do too - just to feel like she's still around!
OOOOHHHH! Those are amazing! My favorite memory of my Grandma is/are the times when she patiently taught me how to sew clothes for my dolls and when she would let me "help" her with her sewing projects. I always think of her when I sew.
What wonderful products!
My favourite memory is of my Grandmother and I spending a whole vacation together. She taught me all her baking secrets (cast iron skillet!) and how to sew and do different embroidery stitches. I credit her with the crafty person I am today!
The cool thing about my family is that we have babies when we're young (ok, not TOO young, but my grandmother is only 42 years older than I am). So, she is still as spry as ever! So, my favorite memory is the fact that I still can hang out with her...go to her house and make lefse...call her up just to chat...have her over to make cards!
As far as a memory I have as a child, my grandparents had a VERY cool downstairs...checkerboard floor, bar, speakers, one of those fake fires of the 1970s! HA! We'd have all the family parties down there in that bar. I remember watching her, when I was a child, dance with my grandfather...they were so in love with each other. He passed very young...the fact that my grandmother has never stopped loving him...wow...that inspires me very much!
Thanks for taking me back...
Well Lisa first of all I'm getting cavities just thinking about receiving ALL THAT CANDY..OMG..WOWZERS!
My Grandma Ada made to die for potato salad and would always put it in an old green ceramic Bauer bowl. (Like fiestaware) Anyway when she passed away I got the bowl...I think of her everytime I use it.
Every day after school I would stop at my gramma's for tea and biscuits. This was back in the 60's. She was from Scotland. I now have my nephew sharing tea with me. His has a touch of sugar!
What wonderful blog candy you have here! They are awesome!!! Thanks so much for offering them up.
As for your comment request... this is a hard one.
My Mom's Mom lived over a 1000 plus miles from us. I only saw her a few times growing up. She used to talk to me about Jesus as we (mostly she of course) would cook breakfast for the "clan" visiting. That was always a favorite time of mine and something I will always remember.
My Dad's Mom... hmmm. that's even harder because even though I lived with them for over a year, I was abused a lot by my Grandfather and therefore the memories of my Grandma and me are sometimes "washed" ... I don't recall them very much. I do know that when I was real young and we were visiting them (this was before moving in with them and the abuse), my Grandma would take down her old collection of dolls and let me play with them. Out of 43 first cousins, I am the only one that has ever been able to play with them. That is something I will treasure.
And as for my Momma... well there are so many things. From baking cookies together (or even fudge, yum!) to bike rides and nature walks... she taught me so much and I gleaned so much from her. . . just from how she lived her life. She inspires me. I used to tell her "when I grow up, Momma, I wanna be like you" LOL... and I did... and I do. And now that we are both saved and believers in Christ, her life is even more to me. And watching her grow closer to Jesus makes me long to be more like her too... because as I grow older, I want to become more like Jesus as well. :)
Okay... this was majorly longwinded. I think I just had a blog entry in your comments, ha ha ha.
Big huggs and have an awesome Wednesday!
My favorite memory of my grandmother, is from when I was a little girl, and I went to stay at my grandparents on a summerholiday. My grandmother and I was is the garden picking strawberries and red-currant, and while we did that, she told me stories from when she was a little girl. I still remember some of the stories, especially one where she got a very special doll with a porcelain-head for Christmas. Unfortunately her best friend dropped the doll on the floor and the head broke to pieces. I remember, I felt so sad for my grandmother. Her father bought her a new doll, but this one wasn't nearly as beautiful, as the first one. Poor grandmother.
Thank for the chance to win those beautiful little books.
/Tina F.
First of all LZ, I am dying of laughter at little old you sucking on your lollypop!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have so many memories of my Grandma. She was an amazing woman. She had 13 children and more grandchildren and great grandchildren than I could keep up with. My Grandma ALWAYS had a baby in her arms or kids around her. She was full of wisdom. She also love each of us unconditionally. One of my very favorite memories was how we would eat lunch and then want to go swimming in the lake. My Grandma would not let us go out until a full hour went by since we ate. Sometimes it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD waiting for that hour to go by. Then we'd all go out swimming and she would keep an eye on us from the window with her binoculars in hand. She was a very good lifeguard and an even better Grandma!
How cute!
My Grandmother used to tell me the funniest little stories, and she would always tell me I needed to put a brick on my head to keep me from growing so tall.
~ Kim
I have so many great memories with my grandma. We used to go every Saturday afternoon for dinner, play games, and just get together with the family. She would make a homemade dinner for everyone and she was always smiling. I loved that time with my grandma and grandpa and the rest of the family.
I loved spending the week with my grama and grampa. We would fish on their lake then grama would fry the fish for lunch. Then we would take a nap. Oh to have another week at grama's! :)
Lori Washburn
LOVE your blog banner ... how cute you are in this photo!! Of course Crafty Secrets is one of my FAVS, in fact I just placed yet ANOTHER order. My story is a remembrance of being at my grandmother's house for HUGE family gatherings. My mother is one of 12 children. As the adults talked we kids would slide down the bannister. This big old farm house had 5 bedrooms upstairs and a very LONG staircase with the old heavy wooden rail. There are 42 of us 1st cousins and we ALL have memories of sliding down that bannister and having to watch for the BIG finial at the end of it. Grandma never minded what we kids did as long as no one got hurt. Thanks for giving me a chance to reminise a bit, it was fun!!
WOW, your projects for Crafty Secrets are so cool. Your stamping area is an inspiration in itself. Looks just mine! Thanks for doing all this work. diana
Love Crafty Secrets!
Unfortunately my grandparents didn't live close, so I didn't get to see them much. But one of my favorite memories is my grandmother telling me that she took a spoonful of honey a day, and that it kept her healthy. I remember that I did that for years afterwards; I felt like I had received worldly wisdom.
Oh how yummy! I just love all of CS stuff!! Count me in!
Ok here it goes. My favorite memory of my Grandma was when I used to go stay with her she always made me crepes for breakfast. Only she called them SuzyQ's. When I got a little older she taught me how to make them and they never did taste the same. Well my Grandma has been gone for many years now, and sometimes I do make crepes but they still don't taste the same.
Boy now I am really missing my Gram!
Thanks for a chance at this awesome blog candy! My favorite of my grandmother is the fact that when my sister and I were in elementary school, we knew that if we had to leave school because we were sick, that our parents would take us to our grandmother's while they went back to work. My grandmother was always waiting for us and allowed us to have any special foods we'd like.
I love the vintage look. After looking at your beautiful work I feel like I need to get out my passport! Thanks for a chance to win great stuff.
Oops hit publish when I should have hit preview... Anyway, Thanks for the opportunity to win this fab bit of candy! These are quite outside of my comfort zone~ so they would be a challenge~ but what's the point of life without challenges.
My parents moved quite far from my grandparents & I really don't have too many memories, just a general fond, fuzzy feeling ~ I really wish I had had more opportunities with my Grandma, I remember her smile & her cuddly hugs & her beautiful snow white hair (I hope I get that ~ although my Grandpa had beautiful silver hair so I'd be blessed with either). I also loved to hear her talk ~ she had such a great laugh... well, now that I've made myself tear up...
Love your blog banner photo! Too cute!
I have many memories of my grandmother and also my great-grandmother, both from my mom's side. Hard to pick just one.
I will share this one though of my great-grandmother from her last months (she lived to be 93 - I was 9 when she passed.)
She was frail but her mind was clear. I think she knew that her time with us was almost up so she asked my Mom to bring me to see her on this certain Sunday. So after church we went to the nursing home where she was staying after undergoing some surgery. I can't remember all the specifics about that day but it was a special moment because she called me to her side and presented me with a small leather box. Inside the box was a beautiful watch that was inscribed with her initials. She explained to me that this was the watch that her husband (my great-grandfather) had given her to show his intentions toward her and she wanted me to have it. I think that was not uncommon in their day. The got married in November of 1903. Anyway, the watch still runs today, and I cherish it deeply. I also love romance so I think of their love each time I look at it.
Thanks for letting me share!
countryshoe at verizon dot net
I really love Crafty Secrets...there are the right touches for my vintage pages. Thank you
Fiorella from Italy
My favorites memories are when i was little was going to the lake with all my aunts uncles cousins and making a day of it. Cook outs swimming learning to swim wonderful wonderful memories. susan
Oh I have so many great memories. But since this about candy- I remember when I was about 4 or 5 my grandmother always had bags of Brach's candies that she would hide and make us feel so special to bring out the "good" candy just for us. We would go play in her garden while eating orange slices and suck on butterscotch candies. I miss those days. But mostly her!!
I have so many wonderful memories of my grandma. One thing that happened every summer was hulling the shells from her pecan tree in the backyard. We always had to wear leather gloves because our fingers would turn black from the pods that held the pecans. We would let them dry in the sun on the back patio. Neighbors from blocks away knew when the pecans were being hulled. Grandma would put the pecans in brown sacks and put them out for anyone who wanted them. To this day, pecans are a staple in my kitchen and a constant reminder of my childhood summers.
Thank you for this opportunity to share one of my many favorite moments with my much loved and missed grandma.
My favorite memory of my grandma was she would always color with me and tell me that I was meant to do something crafty :)
I am blessed with so many wonderful memories of my Grandma. One favorite thing we always did together was spend time in her huge garden in the summer. I was in charge of the pea bucket! Love all of your darling projects, you inspire me!
These are too cute! My grandmother was quite the character and had a heart the size of Alaska! I learned to cook and bake from her. She was the greatest cook. I still use many of her recipes. I have some of her cookbooks, dating back to the 1920's.
Awesome blog candy!
I too have many great memories of my grandma. My grandparents lived next door to us growing up and one of my favorite memories was making homemade bread and pies with my grandma. She took such good care of all of us!
Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous stuff!
What a great giveaway! Count me in! I have so wonderful memories of my mother and my grandmother that I couldn't possibly choose a favorite! Besides, I am still lucky enough to be creating memories with both of these amazing memories (mom is a young 64 and Gram is a beautiful 91!!).
Oh yes, sign me up. I can remember my Granny making sourdough whole wheat english muffins..The smell...ummmm She was the best baker! Laurie
I love seeing the fab things that you and the other gals from my favorite Crafty Secrets site come up with every day. Your work is inspiring.
Unfortunately, I never knew either grandmother. My maternal grandmother died in the flu epidemic in 1917 (?) and my paternal grandmother died when my father was very young. And, sadly, my own mother passed away when I was 20 (40 years ago!). She was ill much of my life. So the memories are hazy. This is rather bittersweet for me. I often wish I had wonderful memories of my mother or grandmother. But then I look at it as a sign of the times. Things are so different today. And I am so fortunate to be healthy and vital. Hopefully I provided some fond memories for my own daughter and will for a future grandchild.
That being said, I love these journaling booklets. I would love to win them! Thanks so much for such a generous give-away!
Wow, what a prize, all of them!!!
My favorite memory of my grandmother - When I was a young girl we had a swimming pool in our backyard and ever day as soon as the sun warmed up I would go swimming. I would swim for hours and when I got out my grandma would wrap me in a big beach towel and hand me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that she would cut into small square pieces. It was just a regular old peanut butter and jelly sandwich but when she made it for me, it somehow tasted better than any peanut butter and jelly sandwich I'd ever had!
I have a horrible memory so this is super challenging for me. With my mom, she was always there to chat. Cup of tea in hand, blanket on the couch and I could listen to her stories and vice-versa. Even today, we spend hours on the phone! So, that encapsulates what I am sure were hundreds upon hundreds of conversations!
I realized I forgot to post my favorite memory!!! When I was young my family would go camping just about every weekend and my grandparents would come along. It was always a good time and we had many adventures We camped in area sectioned off of a relatives cowpasture!!! One night we forgot to shut the gate and woke up to a cow scratching it's back on the side of the camper!!!I just love the candy!!! I have been a subscriber for sometime and I love seeing your cards and hearing about your finds while hitting the shops!!!
Awesome blog candy! I love those booklets. You did some really nice cards with them! I like your pic in the banner! Fun!!! Unfortunately I don't have ANY memories of my grandparents on either side. All were gone by the time I came along:( But I love hearing other people's stories!
My favorite memory is telling stories with my grandma. We would sit in her living room for hours and make up fairy tales. We'd take turns adding bits and pieces...going back and forth. It was so much fun!
Wow! What a terrific prize. Thanks for sharing. My favorite memory with my mother is: one time when we had gone shopping, she told me something and then said that she didn't know why she had told me that because it wasn't true. We started laughing and we almost had to pull the car over because we were laughing so hard. One of our friends later told us that he had seen us together and slowed down to enjoy the fact that we were having so much fun together. Thanks for making me remember that one. Sweet memories.
I love Crafty Secret anything and really love these - hope I win!
One of my grandmothers died when I was a baby and the other one was from Italy and spoke very broken English, but she was so loving and I knew when we visited her that I was probably going to get some spending money and best of all her wonderful spaghetti. She was always saying, "Eat, eat."!! Very special memories!
My favorite memory of my great grandmother is sitting on her lap tracing the funny papers with that carbon paper that got all over everything. We used to watch The Muppet Show and drink Kool-Aid. Thanks for reminding me!
Love your gift set! Tooo cute! Awesome Blog Candy too....Pick Me! Pick Me!
Zappa I LOVE the pic of you sucking on that big lolly pop!! Almost as big as YOU!
Thanks to you & Crafty for being so generous to us your followers.
I was very lucky growing up one of my grandma's lived right through our back yard. I got to see her and spend lots of time with her! She lived to be 101! She did not ever have an easy life, but she would do anything for anyone. I guess if all I can do is pick one favorite memories it would be sitting in the big oak tree by her front step (she was sitting on the front step) and we would play the bug car game on the busy road in front of her house. Never seemed to get tired of sitting and counting those bug cars with Grandma!
Love your blog I visit daily.
When I was little I loved to visit my Grandma. I would get to spend the week with her. I remember so many times hanging out the laundy on the line. She had this contraption where you have a wheel on the baseboard and you hang your item and crank it out over the backyard. One day I got bit by a wasp and I pushed Grandma off the platform into the garden when we were hanging laundry. Other times we would water with the old tin watering cans and get the water from a sistern those old water pumps in the yard. It has been years now that her house was tore down for the addition to the elementary school. So many memories.
I love this blog candy. Those images are so great. My grandmothers passed away when I was little, so no stories here. Barb T
My favorite memory of my grandmother is how she always had special goodies for me before I left her house. On Sunday nights we would visit her and gramps. Then before we left, she would give me the little packets of crackers and jelly she would save for me from the diner she ate at last. It was like candy-especially if she had peanut butter too.
She was also great because she would let us(me and the cousins) play at the bar in their basement and let us make Diet Coke on the rocks. Then she would let us dance the night away listening to "In Heaven There Is No Beer". POLKA ANYONE???
What a wonderful giveaway! I didn't know my grandmothers, but my mother is a sweetie and I inherited all of my craftiness from her. I have many wonderful memories of our planning sewing projects, embroideries, etc. and she will usually sew up my knitting if I ask nicely!
I would love to get that "candy"! I don't know if this is a fond memory of my grandma, but she used to make me and my aunt (who is just one year older than me) go out to their ten acres and "pick rocks" so the ground wouldn't be rocky when they bought milk cows to put on the property to graze. We would have to do that in the dead of summer when it was hotter than blazes! Then she would go milk the cows and we would have to drink that milk straight from the cow. I was totally disgusted with that - it was awful. I prefer my milk pasturized!
I visit your blog way too often! I love your design style and you inspire me. Thanks so much! When I was about 5 my Grandmother and I would go to the local drug store sit on the stools at the counter and get milkshakes. What a fun memory!
I remember how my grandmother & I used to have tea together & eat a whole pound cake! We both have always loved sweets.
Thanks for the chance to win.
What wonderful "treasures from Crafty Secrets! They are on the top of my wish list. My memories of my own grandmother are precious and many. My parents and I lived with my grandparents while I grew up. Being an only child, my grandmother became my best playmate. We would talk and giggle until the wee hours of the night until my mother would come in to tell us to be quiet and go to sleep. My grandmother lived with my parents in her older years and helped to care for my own children when I worked. She was also a great playmate for them. She even built them a snowman on her 97th birthday (April 26th, 1992)to celebrate an all too typical Minnesota spring. She entered a nursing home the following year and I'd stop to see her every evening on my way home. She entertained me with stories from her youth including her memory of hearing about the Titanic sinking when she was 16. When I was feeling depressed about turning 50, she assured me that 50 was her very favorite age. Since she had seen more ages than anyone else I knew, I accepted her wise words. She passed away when she was 103. I was truly blessed to have had her in my life. Your drawing is on her birthday. What a nice "grandmother" tribute.
Love your blog and love Crafty Secrets. Thanks to Sandy for sharing these journal notes. My grandmother died when I was little but I still remember her big smothering hugs she gave every single time I seen her (which was every Sunday for dinner). She would also slip me and my sister money before we left. We thought we were such big shots with all the cash we had. It turned out it was just pennies and nickels but what did 5 & 6 year olds know?
Love your blog and love reading others memories...I have so many fond memories of my paternal grandmother, she had a odd name"Orilla", so you know she got a lot of kiding about it rhyming with gorilla..lol....She worked very hard on the tobacco farm and I loved helping gather the eggs and going with her to pick blackberries and getting chigger bites....lol..she would take care of them and she loved for me to comb and play with her hair but i think the best memory is at bed time, everyone gathered around the livingroom and she read scriptures from the Bible....and she always kiss me goodnight and said I love you....I really loved spending time there when I was young!
Love your stuff. They're so cute!
Love, love, love the travel tin! I'm in the process of re-doing all my Grandma's albums. What a job - but gives me the opportunity to make copies of all the old photos! Just another project in the works. Love the blog and the great inspirations I get.
I have so many memories of my Gram - one thing that always reminds me of her is the smell of Noxema. She was a wonderful cook, but my favorite was the puffiest omelet I have ever eaten - made in an iron skillet. Debby G
I have soooo many favorite/special memories of my beloved Grandma that I just can't pick one. Although I do want to say, is that whenever one of her Grandchildren were with her she made you feel so very special and loved that you just can't imagine. I loved her so much that I named my first born daughter after her. Thanks you Lisa for giving me a chance to remember my Grandma during these stress filled lifes we have. It was great taking a moment and remembering....
OOOOHHHHHH...I so want to win! I am a Crafty Secrets addict! I hope you randomly pull my number/name! LOL!
Thanks for sharing.
Your project is awesome and I love blog candy.
I don't have too many memories of my grandmothers as my maternal one lived in Vancouver, BC and my dad's mom lived in Maroon Town, Jamaica.
I did meet my dad's mom for the first time when I was in grade 2. The one thing I remember about her is she was a very hard worker. It seemed she never stopped the whole 2 weeks we were there. She did make the most awesome jerk chcken and she made it from scratch. She raised the chickens herself and cut the heads off and plucked them all herself. She also grew great oranges & bananas.
thanks for the chance to win i hope i'm picked lol
melissa email flygirl21_20001@yahoo.com
What a darling with that big sucker. My grandparents had a farm and sometimes we got to stay with them for a week in the summer. We got to help feed the kitties and gather eggs, etc. And grandma let us have coffee (actually it was about 1/4 coffee and 3/4 milk, but it was just a special grownup thing).
What a great giveaway!
My fondest memory is painting Easter Eggs with my Mom and Grandmother every Easter.
Love all things vintage!
My grandma had the ability to make
each grandchild think they were
her favorite & we never knew about the others 'til talking recently!
Once our washing machine was on the
fritz so I was at my grandparents
house. They left for the grocery
store & then came back "because they forgot to kiss me goodbye."
And I still would have been there
when they returned! She died in 1974 & the loss has not diminished, she was truly one special woman.
Sue Feher
When I was little, it was a treat for my sister (8 years older) and I to stay overnight at Nana's. We would get to stay up late (probably 10)to watch TV (it was balck & white then sweetie!) and as an extra special treat, she would give us a little dish of M&M's to eat while we watched. Our Mom never gave us candy very often so this was major for us.
Craft Secrets products capture the vintage memories in beautiful artwork. These journaling booklets are nifty.
I have one word: AWESOME! no other way to describe it! Just AWESOME!
My favorite memory of my grandmother is when I used to go visit her, usually in the summer. We would garden, make jam, take care of her turkeys-yes turkeys! But I always loved it there, I loved it that she spent time with me. She used to make me fresh strawberries and cream. My grandmother was an excellent seamstress, when I was 5 I went to the mailbox, and there was a huge box of handmade barbie clothes. Not only did she sew them, but also crotched and knitted tiny sweaters. She made purses, swimsuits, beautiful party dresses, jackets, pants, you name it I had it in that box. My grandmother died when I was 8 or 9, but I love my memories of her.
thanks for the offering of such a generous blog candy! My fav memory is of my mother making holidays so special. I grew up in a very difficult home, but she brought us all together to really connect, especially during those special times.
barb hendrickson
Hello Lisa.. My grandmother is from Guadalajara, Mexico and she is such a wonderful cook..when I was little I can remember she was always in the kitchen cooking away.. but what I loved the most is when we would go shopping in Tijuana, Mexico which was really close since we live in San Diego Ca.we would go to this HUGE farmers market it was sooo cool to me and my grandmother could shop... oh let me tell ya! everything was so fresh and we would always eat lunch together I really miss those outings with her .. she was great.. thanks .... tu amiga kat..
My favorite memory of my Grandmother is that she hand crocheted each my twin sister and myself dresses when we were about 4 yrs. of age. These dresses have been passed down through generations. Grandma,therefore, has been remembered by many of her great, great grandchildren.
This is my first visit to your blog and I now have just subscribed to your site. I love the decorated tins and would like to do some for a near future wedding in my family.
batesjj@persona.ca (EMAIL)
One of my favorite memories of my Grandma Tande was staying at their farm in Wisconsin. Grandma and I slept together and we'd talk before going to sleep. I just remember always talking a while then we'd say goodnight then I'd start talking again, saying goodnight several times more before going to sleep with the whipper wills singing in the background, and the breeze in the pine trees. Deb
Love this project and thanks for the chance to win. This is too cool.
My favorite memory of my grandmother is "helping" her to make pierogies before Christmas a few years ago. As I filled each one and sealed it shut, she redid every single one so they would have her "special touch". It made me laugh. Thanks for sharing all of your inspirational ideas!
When I was little, I never liked to go to the bathroom by myself (funny how now as a mom, I never get to go by myself!) My great-grandmother, my momo, had a pink bathroom...no not the walls, all the porcelin! The sink, toilet and tub were pink. She would come in with me and sit on the edge of the bathtub and tell me stories of her growing up on the Osage Indian reservation in Oklahoma. It was so fasanating to hear about candy that came in a little iron skillet that they would then use to cook frog legs, their billy goat that would climb to the rooftop of there house, the friends she had, etc. We called her "momo" but her given name was Grace, and that is who my daughter is named after.
I loved all the time I would bake with my mom, the donuts, cookies, cakes and meals. She was such a wonderful lady and baker. The smells, laughter, and love of those times have stayed with me forever. My mom is in heaven now but I can know and can feel her love when I bake with my little boy or anytime I cook for my family. Thanks for a chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win! I love Crafty Secrets products!!!
Lisa, My favorite Grandma memory is learning to sew with her when I was very young. Love your blog and your candy! Imogene
My Grandmas did not live nearby, and sad to say one Grandma passed away when I was very little. We would visit my (living)Grandparents at least once a year and the things I remember fondly of my Grandma is that she was the BEST candymaker in the world. She would HIDE her best candy, and my sisters and I would sneak around until we would find it!!!! I honestly think she was hiding it all from US! I also remember how she could grow the most beautiful houseplants. I once snipped a part of her plant and rooted it and grew it at home. It lived for years, but never could "flower" like hers did! I heard later on that she snipped that plant from the shopping mall to start hers!!!! Sad to say, my Grandma lived with Alzheimers Disease for 22 years, before she passed away at the age of 86. I am very fortunate to have some of her recipes, in her handwriting of when she took the candy classes to make that wonderful candy!
Thanks for the blog "candy" opportunity!
I have so many memories of both my maternal and paternal grandmothers. My maternal grandmother, Gammy, was a crafter. She had a huge "play room" w/toys, a sewing machine, fabric, & stuffed animals. She would make baby clothes, doll clothes, & stuffed animals. I lived w/my maternal grandmother during my Senior year of high school. She was much more formal but she had great taste. They both passed away in 2002, within a week of each other. When they died I received a peace lilly from some co-workers; each time it blooms I think of them & it is blooming right now!
I am blessed to have such fond memories.
Thank you! Susan Parnell
Love the vintage look! My daughter is so into that, and I can think of all kinds of things I could do for her with this idea...thanks so much!
Best travel memories I have with my mother were the trips on the train when we went to visit her family. Too bad train travel has changed so much...
Thanks for your blog and the candy offer!
Both of my Grandmothers' died at a very young age before I was born so I never had the pleasure of knowing them. But I did have a wonderful Great Aunt who took the time to teach me how to knit, crochet and do various embroidery techniques. As a child I loved our time spent together and today I fondly remember her whenever I do needlework. Thank you Aunt Aggie for passing on your love of needlework to me!
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance!
I was lucky and had two grandmothers I loved a lot and who made me feel loved. One spent hours playing Chinese Checkers with me. She never lost, but I can beat almost everyone I play with now! The other inspired me to cook and do needlecraft.
Love, love, love your blog. I love all things that have a vintage look. My favorite memory of my "Mama" is one year she made me an entire wardrobe for my favorite doll and even made a miniature mattress, pillow and sheet set for her bed. She died when I was 9 but I can still feel her hugs as if it were yesterday. I like to think I get some of my love for doing crafty things from her.
I love Crafty Secrets! One of my favorite memories of Grandma is being able to eat sugar cereals at her house no matter the time of the day!
I love candy too...here is a post to my blog of a picture of my candy drawer right after my birthday this last year: http://vanpalmperk.blogspot.com/2007/08/my-candy-drawer.html
My grandmother, I call grammie too. And one of my favorite memories is when we have taken a trip just the two of us. Also everytime I visit we try to make time for a tea party. Thanks for the chance for blog candy and to talk about my grammie!
In the school holidays it was always fun to visit our grandparents on the farm. Grand-ma would always put her dress on the end of the iron bed so that the sun wouldn't shine in on me in the mornings but one night as she put her dress there here was a copper head snake in the bed with me, as my brothers were asleep on the floor he couldn't shoot it so he had to knock it on the floor and it had difficulty sliding on the lino on the floor and was able to get it. My grandmother actually saved my live for which I am ever thankful. Kendell
OH! This looks like a fabulous treat to win! Pick me! Whoo HOo!
I love your ticket book...a real classic! I remember my dad driving my Grandma and I to the beauty parlor. She would get a "blue" rinse on her gray hair and I would get my bangs trimmed. It was a real girly place, all done in pink, lavander and silver. The hairdresser would open the shop just for us on Sunday and then we would have lunch with her at her tiny flat in the back.
I used to visit my granny and grandad every summer for 2 weeks at a time. I loved watching Wheel of Fortune with her and her fried zuchinni that she always made me. She also taught me how to play a mean game of canasta! I miss you granny! Lisa K
I loved your travel ticket journal, and the fabulous decoupaged photos on the case. Love crafty secrets, have not yet seen the journal pages books, they look great!Marianne
Love Crafty Secrets and vintage stuff!
My favorite memories of my Gramma are the times I walked to her house after school. She lived in town a few blocks from school and I lived in the country. She always let me choose what we would eat for dinner, even if it was canned ravioli! We made cookies and fudge together, and she let me drink tea or coffee (with tons of milk and sugar.)Gramma always made me feel loved and special. She died when my daughter was about 6 weeks old--25 years ago--and I still think of her often. Every child should be blessed to have a special relationship with a gramma, mom, aunt or other adult!
Crafty Secrets is good stuff! One of my favorite memories with my grandmother was those family reunions after every had eaten. Someone would start playing old hymns on the piano and my grandmother and I would sing loud and proud! We could harmonize pretty well together and especially loved to sing "The Old Rugged Cross"
My granny loved to cook!! Those favorite foods are my best memories... homemade peach ice cream in the summer and huge, yummy meals on holidays. One year I came home from college and she had proudly baked my favorite pie -- Raisin Cream. She sadly admitted that she had no vanilla in the cabinet, but used cinnamon instead. I ate my piece and said it was wonderful!
Cynthia (SCS: Stampinak)
Both of my grandmothers were very gifted with their needle work. Every year my one grandmother always made all her grandchildren a set of knitted mittens and a pair of warm flannel PJ's when we were smaller. She always picked the prettiest floral fabric for the girls. When we got older we would recieve a quilt. I have 4 of them, which I cherish now that she is gone. My other grandmother did more dainty needlework like crocheting with fine thread. For my wedding she made me a beautiful crocheted ivory tablecloth.
Both grandmothers are gone now but I will cherish the work they left behind and hope to follow in their footsteps one day when I have grandchildren.
Looks like I just sneaked in under the wire here. I was lucky enough to have both grandmothers and one grandpa throughout my childhood. But it is my mother's mother who I spent most time with.
When I was about 14 my best friend from school stayed in the same town as my gran. I used to stay with her every weekend so I could go to the youth club disco with my friend. One New Year's Eve, we were going to a pary and my gran gave me the key and said she would see me in the morning. I couldn't believe it, she had such faith in me, my parents would have had a fit if they'd known. I love her to bits for the freedom she gave me and the trust she showed in me.
I remember going to my grandma's after school and sometimes she would let us help her bake poppyseed streudel. We would wind up making more of a mess with the little seeds but she never got mad, I think she always had extra seeds just for us, sure do miss her...
I love the scrapbook page of your grandparents. How lucky you are to have those awesome photos.
Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome blog candy!
Lina Peterson
I have some nice memories of my Grandmom; we used to go shopping a lot, she took me out with her even when I was young. She took me to the movies a few times too. We saw the Sound of Music and The Unsinkable Molly Brown. I can't help but think of her whenever these come on TV.
My only memory of my Grandmother was of her sitting in a chair at my aunt's house next to me. I would visit often and just sit with her. She passed away while I was still very young. Fond memories though. Thanks for the chance to win such fabulous blog candy!
Hey Lisa! Love your blog! Thanks for the chance at this terrific candy!!!
Both of my Grandmothers were awesome women and I miss them both so much. They taught me so much, but especially patience and love. My Dad's Mother was a great cook and just so wonderful. We lived next door to her and she watched us after school. We always got an afternoon "snack" which was really more like a meal. My Mom's Mother lived in Florida and we only saw her about twice a year, but what a wonderful woman she was. She was soft spoken and just so sweet. My Mom is so much like her with my children.
I would love to get these new booklets. My favorite memory of my grandma is her cooking, especially her vegetable soup. I am sorry that I never got any of her recipes written down but I have come close to duplicating some of her dishes and it reminds me of her every time.
My Grandma Mimi was a girlie girl. My favorite memories of time spent with her is when we would make paperdolls together and when she'd give me a manicure. She had a fine art degree and we still have some of her drawings and paperdolls framed and on the wall. I love them all.
My grandmothers both died when I was pretty young....but I do have a few fond memories.
My father's mother who was bedridden lived with her daughter and family. When my parents used to go visit them..they would take me too. While the adults went out for the evening ...they would leave me with Grandma....I can remember sitting by her bed and talking and talking..it seemed like for hours(this was in the day and age when children were to be seen and not heard and I was approx 5 yrs old). Well it was my most favorite time and I am sure I did most of the talking and she was so patient. Have to wonder now though....was it mainly that she couldn't get away...lol.
Thanks for offering such great candy!!
your travel set is so sweet! I loved the fishing picture ~
What lovely memories everyone has about thier grandparents and mothers...I only had a maternal grandmother in my life for a very short time and don't remember much but just the way she looked and her very loving face. My paternal passed before I was born. I have been doing genealogy for a few years and have learn so much about my families and have had stories told about all of them {which is wonderful}. My memory is about my Mother, when my husband and I bought own first home she had lots of extra stuff and lot of stuff that I left when I moved out. She got together some of her extra stuff for our home and found my year books and wrote in one by my pictures of about how time has passed and that she just washed some dished that she is sending me {I still have a cast iron skillet she send}.That now I was moving into my first home and lots of happiness for many for years to come. The best part is she wrote meanie by my baby sister's name {I always say to sis that Mother liked me better}! It still makes my cry each time I read it as she has passed and left many happy memories.
Delicious blog candy! What a treat! My grandmother was always a hard worker, and I thought she could do ANYTHING. However, she always took time to play with us or teach us how to do what she was doing, with great patience, so I have lots of sweet memories of her. My favorite though is the contrast to that "do everything correctly" grandmother. After my fourth child was born, she came to stay for 3 weeks and help me. About 12 inches of fringe was coming off our bedspread, and I was sure she would be pleased to sew it back on for me while she was visiting, as she could never just sit. Next thing I know, she is ripping that fringe off by the yard! I was so shocked, I burst out laughing! Why didn't I think of that? I never even liked it!
Sad to say, but I don't have too many memories of my grandma, because she had passed away when I was very young! But, I do remember a few times going camping with her and we used to go fishing...and I was always amazed that she would put a worm on the hook for me. She was such a sweet lady and only wished I had more years with her!!! I still have her picture on the side of my bed! She is still greatly missed!!!
I live in a suburb of New Orleans and one of my favorite memories of my Mom is when she would take me and my cousin by train over to the city and then we'd shop down old historic St. Charles Avenue. It is such a beautiful area and she loved to do fun things with us like that! I do miss her! :)
Thanks for the chance to win! Hope you pick me!
I love Vintage! I suppose this is because of my paternal grandmother! Her house was decorated with soooo many of those blue willow plates (wish I had them now!)
One of my memories was when grandma killed a chicken for sunday dinner- she would tie it to the clothesline, cut it's head off, and that darn chicken just "danced" around until it died.
Sounds grose but what delicious fried chicken we had!
Betty in Kentucky
My grandmothers - both long gone - were called Grandmother by my 6 siblings and me. Formal to some, but totally normal to us. Now 18 and 28 years after they're gone - I've just become a grandmother.. and that's exactly what I'm going to be called Grandmother! My gandmothers were both strict women - born way before women's lib - but they both would have been great business women AND ran clean organized homes... something I wish I could do.
OMG LZ - that pic is SOOOOOOOO STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! You stayed JUST as adorable as you grew up!
My fave memories of my Gramma are when I used to come over and stay with her at her house as a little girl before I started school. We would go around opening the curtains in her house and sing songs about the sunshine shining in. We also ran outside and jumped "hurdles".
My grandmother "MOMO" was great. I miss her so much, but one of my favorite memoriesof her is how much she enjoyed Derby Time here in Kentucky!My sister and I always celebrate the day together in her memory.
My Grandma was a proper "Grandmother" and for bdays always sent $5 in a lovely handkerchief while growing up. I still have those. ($ is gone) My memories spending summers with her in Baltimore were wonderful. She was a little "uppity" but always had a smile and a twinkle in her eye for me. I love vintage and art deco because of her. ...sigh...great memories!
Gosh, so many good memories. One of my favorite ones is of my mom's mom's house and the closet on the porch. One part of one shelp was my "nurse's station" where I kept bandaids and various "potions" for pretend nursing. I just loved going there and setting up my things. I even had a nurse's hat and special pin :-) What fun those days of make-believe were!
Well, my grandma...wow what a lady. She practically raised me. My best memories are spending Sunday afternoons talking about my grandpa with her. He passed away 22 years ago..and we still both get tears in our eyes...her love story is the greatest ever told... much like Cinderella, with a mean father, my handsome grandfather scooped her up, and loved her with all his being....and he loved his grandchildren... he died a year after we moved to Canada, my parents were working on documents to get him to come here. I was convinced he died of a broken heart. In the end, my grandma came over, and I am grateful to have here to spend Sunday afternoons together....even if I gain weight after being there! lol
fav memory with Grandma Goodie?? Making popcorn with the leftover drippings from breakfast bacon.. YUM.. can still smell it sometimes!
Zed.....that picture is almost eerie......because I have a picture of my mom at 18 "posing" in what appears to be the EXACT SAME bathing suit. And at 18 (when she got married) my mom was HAWT!! *wink* Even Carey said so! :)
My mom - although a nemesis in my teen years - is the new age June Cleaver...only twice as awesome!
As a young girl my family would drive into town every couple of SUndays to visit Grandma. I loved sitting with her and listening to her stories as a young girl growing up. It facinated me and I wish I had all those tales written down. I have alot of fond memories of my Grandma Beth.
My favorite memory of my Granny is when my brother and I were staying at her house one time. My brother had collected a chinese takeout FULL of rubber bands. We had a rubber band fight in my Granny's living room. We all laughed until our stomaches hurt.
I used to love visiting my hubby's grandma when I was a teen. She was gracious,welcoming,had great stories of tipping over outhouses and always had a bowl full of chocolate goodies to go with it!
Crafty Secrets is Wonderful!
Thanks for this opportunity.
I know this may sound "crazy" but, my favorite memory of my grandma was when she visited me after she passed away. It was then that I knew that she would always be with me.
My favorite memories of my mom probably revolve around the times I spent with her and my friends in high school. The group I ran around with all loved our moms and we spent many Friday nights bowling with them and then eating a late snack at Denny's.
One of my favorite memories of my grandmother is playing cards with her, my grandfather, and my husband. We play every time I get the chance to go "home" and we play until 2 in the morning.
I love Crafty Secrets, would love to win these :o)
I have so many great memories of my Grandma but one is the sleepovers I use to have at her and Grandad's house. Waking up to Grandma cooking breakfast in the morning, sitting at the kitchen table listening to "Old Country" on the radio while chatting. I sure miss them both.
Wow, I would love to win these! My favorite memory of My Grandma was when I was little and she still lived in my town, she would come over and give us all a stick of Black Jack gum ( licorice gum). Then she moved away and we didn't see her much.
sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com
Lovely Prizes!
My memory of my grandma...she didn´t usually give presents to me when I was still small but those scraps, vintage looking scrap pictures that I started collecting to my notebook, leaving a note to me when I was not at home "remember to make your home works well and help your mother with housework..! I still have one letter left from her that I found from my papers...
I was born in Dassel Minnesota, but my grandmother later moved to California after I was born and then my parents also moved to California, which is where I got to know my grandma the best, she would sneak me candy when my parents would say I couldn't have any and she also took me to church She would sing alot too. Jan Ritenour
Love the Crafty Secrets products..my favorite memory of my grandmother is sitting on the porch on summer nights with huge hand-dipped chocolate ice cream cones...! What a treat...ice cream has never tasted as good as it did back then...guess it was the company!
I have one brother & 2 sisters and when we would go to my grandmothers, we loved to go in the garage where she kept a big chest of drawers with games in it... our very favorite was monopoly, buying and selling properties... we had so much fun! Our next favorite goody at grandmas is her big bowl of M&Ms she kept for us.... She knew how to spoil us! She has been gone for years, I still have vivid memories of those days so long ago!!!
THANKS for letting me share & a chance to win!!!
Would love to win. Nancy P
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